Insider Journey: January 2024 Adventures in Nova Scotia
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Are you ready for my January 2024 adventures in Nova Scotia? While this month isn’t the time for whale watching, the serene landscapes adorned in a snowy embrace and frozen lakes craving a skate promise a unique winter experience. Lace up your boots for walks and hikes through the picturesque winter beauty of Nova Scotia.
Saturday, January 6, 2024 – Family Fitness Trail, Kingston (Region: Annapolis Valley):
January 2024 Adventures in Nova Scotia Log:
This year I decided I wanted to get out for an adventure at least once a week. My husband is off on the weekend so Saturday or Sunday is the most ideal time to check out a place I haven’t been or haven’t been to in a long time.
This particular Saturday, January 21st I chose the Family Fitness Trail in Kingston as I have a secondary goal of completing some Hike Nova Scotia badges this year. I am early on into building up my endurance and this trail is close to me and short enough to be a good first choice and I can use it toward a few of the core hiker challenge badges. This is why the Family Fitness Trail was perfect for one of my January 2024 adventures in Nova Scotia.
A Highlight of the Day:
The best part of this hike was the fitness equipment along the way. Once I have worked up to doing more than just walking I can see myself adding this trail in for the circuit training to really push myself to get ready for my goal trail- Cape Split.
Lessons Learned:
I thought that I would struggle with this despite it being a very short hike. This set me up for a great mindset for the beginning of the year that I can do more than I think I can. This is a lesson I relearn a lot but it is an important reminder.
Saturday, January 13, 2024 – Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens, Annapolis Royal (Region: Annapolis Valley):
January 2024 Adventures in Nova Scotia Log:
This walk/hike was one I had been looking forward to for quite some time. I love this area of the province and knew that it was open in the winter. With being on a budget, the best thing about this outing is its entrance by donation.
The gift shop is open year-round as well so you can get a little souvenier from your visit even in the off season. The Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens in Annapolis Royal, Annapolis Valley was perfect for one of my January 2024 adventures in Nova Scotia.
A highlight of the Day:
My favourite part here was just seeing how much colour was still abound in the winter. I can imagine just how gorgeous it will be in the spring and summer. I can’t wait to get back when the weather is nicer to see not only the blooms but also walk the dyke path, which was closed when we were there.
Lessons Learned:

The lesson learned today was that it may be best to head the weather forecast. It was supposed to be really crappy weather that afternoon. So we rushed to get down to Annapolis Royal to get this adventure in. However, before we could leave the area the hail, ice and snow hit us hard and made for a messy drive home. It was a dicey one and we should have post poned our trip to the next day or a different weekend. We made it though and so glad that we did this.
READ MORE>> Inspiring September 2023 Adventures in Nova Scotia
Sunday, January 21, 2024 – Public Gardens, Halifax (Region: Halifax Metro)
January 2024 Adventures in Nova Scotia Log:
My husband and I are in the Halifax Metro area from time to time visiting his side of the family and this year we decided that we will start to explore more of it each time we are there and make the most of our drives to the city. So on this family visit day, we made the most of our January 2024 adventures in Nova Scotia and visited the Halifax Public Gardens. Yes, I know another garden but I say why not continue the theme from the previous weekend?
A highlight of the Day:
Despite not being really any snow, even though it was snowing quite nicely when we left, it was nice to see some snow on the ground and at least partially frozen ponds and streams. There is something peaceful about frozen bodies of water to me and gives a whole new atmosphere to this public park.
Lessons Learned:
The big lesson today was in nature knowledge for me. Very simple, that there is more than one type of weeping tree. I thought the infamous weeping willow was the one and only. Here in the gardens, we saw a couple more weeping type trees and a later Google search shows there is a whopping 100 plus weeping types of trees.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024 – Miners Marsh, Kentville (Region: Annapolis Valley)
January 2024 Adventures in Nova Scotia Log:
Today I had to pick up my weekly CSA (community shared agriculture) box by Taproot at Noggins Corner Farm Market in Greenwich so I decided it was a good time to go and see the new Wolfville waterfront sign and get my walk in for the day.
This plan quickly changed when I took a wrong turn out of the Noggins parking lot. I shortly passed the New Minas sign and realized my error. Still wanting to go for a walk I knew there were several trails in Kentivlle and decided on the flat and easy Miners Marsh trail. Even though it was longer than I was ready for I didn’t have to do the whole thing. It was perfect for my 4th January 2024 adventures in Nova Scotia.
A highlight of the Day:
As I started out I was greeted with the river flowing with some ice chunks floating down and I was immediately excited for this wintery landscape. There had been a snowfall recently so that meant that there was some snow down and the middle pond area as I soon discovered was completely frozen. Each step was better and better as I took in the gorgeous snowy Marsh landscape.
Lessons Learned:
This may not be a lesson learned as I tend to learn this one a lot, so the retention of this lesson is one to be questioned. However, after getting going I decided to do the whole loop trail. According to my Google Fit app, it was 2.04 km which is pretty well twice what I thought I would be ready for. Yes, I was really tired afterwards and had some body pains, but I did it and made this my Hike for the week.
There was a second lesson here too. I am one to want some company to share the adventures with me but today I was by myself and it was actually nice. To be able to go at my own pace and take in the beauty of nature was quite calming and revitalizing. So I say within safety if no one is available to go with you on an outing don’t let that stop you from going for a walk or adventure.
Saturday, January 27, 2024 – Wolfville Waterfront, Wolfville (Region: Annapolis Valley)
January 2024 Adventures in Nova Scotia Log:
I decided the perfect walk this week would be to go to the Wolfville waterfront since I missed the chance during the week. Since it was a Saturday I was excited to be able to share this experience with my husband. I was so happy he wanted to see the sign too as sometimes I worry he is dragged along with me.
It had snowed again so the paths were quite snow-covered but not slippery. I did have my crampons though just in case. When we got to a fork in the path we chose to take the path along the closer part of the harbour as it was meant to be a short walk. My legs definitely got a workout in as the snow terrain worked some muscles I didn’t know I had! Next time We will take the path leading further out around the harbour as I think it will be prettier as opposed to the path that looked like it was in the trees and an extension of the Harvest Moon Trail.
We were hungry from our walk and decided to stop in at the Canning Village Meat Market and grab one of their delicious Montreal smoked meat sandwiches. And oh my, I must say, yum, just as good as it always is.
After this walk, we started to drive home and since we were passing the road leading up to Canning we hopped on jetting up to the Look-off to see the magnificent view with a blanket of snow on the valley. What a sight!
Since we had time after the look-off we zipped down to Scots Bay Beach as my husband had never seen it before. It is a popular place for locals to visit and find seaglass. It was quite chilly and heading into dark so we didn’t stay long but I always love a beach in winter, the raw power of the ocean in the cold air is so energizing.

A highlight of the Day:
This one is simple, finally getting to see the Wolfville waterfront sign that went up a few weeks ago. It is quite nice, I think it has more work to be done yet on it and will be lovely to see when it is finished.
To be honest it was also nice to have my husband finally see Scots Bay Beach and I know we will be back when it is warmer.
Lessons Learned:
Take advantage of where you are if you think you want to see something in a particular state. Although the snow hasn’t melted yet we haven’t been in a position to get back to the look-off yet and so glad we did this.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 – Miners Marsh, Kentville (Region: Bay of Fundy)
January 2024 Adventures in Nova Scotia Log:
This morning’s January 2024 Adventures in Nova Scotia started with me getting blood work done at the nearby Valley Regional Hospital. My husband drives me to these appointments and so he decided to go to Miners Marsh while waiting for me.
When he picked me up he was so excited because he not only got to say hello to a couple of cute doggos but also got to watch an adorable muskrat swimming in and fishing in the river. Of course, I really wanted to see this cute guy too but wasn’t sure if he would still be there. Hubby assured me that he would be and so off we went.
A highlight of the Day:
He was definitely still there and it was so fun to watch him swimming and fishing and doing his muskratty things. Of course, because we had another snowfall the day before this place was so transformed from the last time I was here. Even though I was hungry from fasting and a little blood loss I wanted to push on a little bit to see the landscape. I was not disappointed. The path was not groomed and was only beaten down by a few others that had gone before and the completely white terrain was just so tranquil and a site to be seen.
Lessons Learned:
Not only did I want to see what the marsh looked like under a blanket of snow but I wanted to get my weekly walk completed and decided to push on just a bit further to get this in. Realizing I could push a bit while hungry was so empowering and will help me down the road when I want to explore a little when the opportunity comes up before a food stop is possible. This will help me discover more things and I can’t wait to tell you all about them.
READ February’s adventures >> Wintery Landscapes: February 2024 Adventures in Nova Scotia
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You can always return to finish your adventures.